SR&R Underway on PRLF Remediation in Central NC











SR&R is moving along rapidly at another Pre-Regulatory Landfill (PRLF) Remediation site in Central NC. This site sits on approximately 25 acres with 10.5 acres that were previously utilized as a landfill many years ago. The remedy called for SR&R to remove the existing structures and then uncover and relocate approximately 20,000 CY of waste in lower elevations around the site in order to achieve positive drainage when the finish grade is completed. After the waste has been relocated and isolated, geofabric will be installed as a demarcation liner to separate the layer of waste from the new imported fill.PRLF RemediationWe are currently in the process of importing approximately 10,000 CY of imported fill from an approved quarry to cover the demarcation geofabric. Once that has been graded per the prescribed depth, we will then start the process of installing 17,000 SY of a cellular confinement system that will be infilled with additional imported fill from the quarry. This final surface will then be permanently seeded and returned to a usable field.


We are thankful to partner with our friends at the State to achieve the ever-important goal of taking previously contaminated sites and returning them to safe, productive use without the future fears of spreading contamination. SR&R performs a host of similar remediation services all across the Southeast including:

– PRLF Remediation
– UST Closure & Removal
– Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) installs
Contaminated Soil removal, transportation, and disposal
Facility Decon.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Abatement Services
– Demolition

For more information, please contact us.

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